Exit West, by Mohsin Hamid



book review

This book had been on my to read list for a few months, but when it was announced as March’s selection for Now Read This, a book club created by PBS NewsHour and the New York Times (which everyone should check out, by the way), I immediately bumped it to my next read.

In this story, not about the physical act of migration as much as the emotional and societal effect it has on the world, the main characters flee from their unnamed war-torn country, transporting themselves across the world through “magical” doors. These doors were such a powerful symbol which moved the story forward in a way that realistic movement couldn’t.

Readers only ever learn the names of the two main characters, Nadia and Saeed. Coupled with sparse dialogue, these elements create a quiet and stunningly beautiful narrative. The only downside was that I found I didn’t form an emotional connection to the characters as much as I expected to in such a powerful book. However, this did not detract from the marked impression it left on me because I felt the author’s intention was to tell a story much larger than that of these two characters.

Nadia and Saeed take us on their compelling journey as migrants, as lovers, and as humans. This is not Nadia and Saeed’s story alone, but the story of all humans, who are all migrants in their own right.

The poetic cadence of the language and long sentences do not compare to anything I have read before. The level of symbolism, too, is delightfully overwhelming. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who is looking for a beautifully written story.

If you’ve read this book, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Did you appreciate the writing as much as me, or did you find Hamid’s writing style too abstract? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, if you’re interested in the Now Read This book club, click here to visit their website, or click here to go to their Facebook page. The selection for June is the 2018 Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction, Less by Andrew Sean Greer. I’ve already bought it and am excited to get started.