services offered

content writing

My specialties lie in education, politics, and literature. I also live in and love to write about the Gulf Coast. Aren’t sure if I’m knowledgeable about your brand’s content? Just ask! I’m a seasoned researcher and quick learner.

article and blog writing

From magazines to newspapers, online or print, I provide a focused and clear perspective on the prominent issues in our society today.

ghost writing

Is there something you want to write, but the actual writing is holding you back? Hire me and I will turn your ideas into beautifully written content.

developmental editing and revision

I have a considerable amount of experience editing and revising the writing of others, including a position as a copy editor for Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers.

about me

allison shirt

Sometimes pretentious, always sarcastic, I’m a high school English teacher by day and a kick ass writer by night. When I can get my nose out of a good book, I am dedicated to giving you and your business the voice you need to connect with the world.

Latest news

A selection of my latest blog posts and writing samples