June 6, 2018

About Me

I am a freelance writer dedicated to giving you and your business the written content and voice that you need to connect with the world. Whatever you want to say, from a simple 250-word email campaign to a 5000-word feature article, I will take your ideas and turn them into focused and clear content. 

I have a degree in Political Science and English Literature. Studying these fields has nurtured a lifelong passion for analyzing and addressing the prominent issues which our world faces today, in the format I feel most skilled and most heard: the written word. Initially, I was led away from writing full time in order to share this passion with others (and who better to share a love of writing and dead white guys with than a bunch of teenagers?), but spoiler alert: I’m back to writing.

I now have seven years of experience as a secondary English teacher, where I spend my time desperately trying to convince sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds that Emily Dickinson’s enigmatic poetry is indeed relatable, or that Scout Finch speaks lasting wisdom when she reflects “until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.”  I guide my students to learn the infinite lessons literature has to teach them, and am able to show them, through writing, how much power the written world has on the world around us.  Although I earn an income as an educator, my specialties run far beyond the confines of my classroom. 

My experiences have made me into a versatile writer who is able to research and write on a wide variety of topics, in a wide variety of formats.  These specialties include, but are not limited to:

  • Content Writing
  • Article and Blog Writing
  • Ghost Writing
  • Developmental Editing and Revision Services

I am not adverse to challenging situations and tight deadlines (hey, I’m used to dealing with a room full of teenagers all day! There’s nothing you can throw at me that I can’t handle).  I am eager to combine my writing skills with your specific needs to help you put your best word forward.

Don’t hesitate to send me an email or connect with me on social media whether it’s to hire me for your next writing project, or just to recommend a really awesome book you just finished! (Seriously, please send me all the book recommendations)